Environmental Issues

Environmental issues are every damage to earth and its systems done by humans. This way the list of environmental issues gets huge, therefore we will only cover the most important ones.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases that are detrimental to human health and the planet. We compiled a list of the main causes of air pollution in general:

The Burning of Fossil Fuels
Releases sulfur dioxide from: factories, vehicles, etc...
Waste in Landfills
Where methane is released which is a major greenhouse gas
Agricultural Activities
Where pesticides are used and other chemicals such as ammonia are released

Major Contributors to Air Pollution

China generates the most pollution and is the major contributor to the increase of CO2 levels with 28% of the world’s CO2 emissions (or 10.06 GT). Up next we have the United States with 15% (or 5.41GT) and India with 7% (or 2.65GT)


  • An enormous economic boom
  • Population growth
  • Output from manufacturing


  • Transportation
  • Electricity
  • Industry
  • Commercial and residential sectors
  • Agriculture


  • Fuel and biomass burning
  • Fuel adulteration
  • Traffic congestion
  • Greenhouse gas emissions


Both short-term and long-term exposure to high levels of air pollution increases the risk of respiratory infections, heart diseases and lung cancer in humans but also has a major impact on the process of plant evolution by preventing photosynthesis and, in many cases, with serious consequences on the purification of the air we breathe. It also contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, the greenhouse effect and acid rains.


Developing sustainable transport in cities
Implementing solid waste management
Providing access to clean household fuels and cook-stoves
Developing market for renewable energies and energy efficiency
Implementing industrial emissions reductions

Water Pollution

Water pollution is when a lake, river, ocean, stream, aquifer, or any body of water is contaminated by harmful substances, degrading the quality of the water. Some of the causes are:

Industrial Waste
Which produces a huge amount of waste,contains harmful chemicals and can change the color of the water
Accidental Oil Leakage
Causing a lot of problems for local marine wildlife
Fossil fuels
That when they burn, produce particles that mixed with water vapor, can create acid rains

Major Contributors to Water Pollution

  • China - 8.80 million metric tons
  • Indonesia - 3.20 million metric tons
  • Philippines - 1.9 million metric tons


Human Health

Contaminated waters caused 1.8 million deaths in 2015 majorly due to waterborne pathogens, which come from illegal releases from sewage facilities


Water pollution can reduce the levels of oxygen in the water, suffocating the local wildlife and can reduce an organism's life span


Improvements in wastewater treatment
Reduce plastic consumption
Oil Spill Prevention
Green Agriculture

Climate Change

Climate change is a global phenomenon described by the shifting of the usual climate of the planet that is mostly caused by human activities, such as temperature, rain and wind changes, mainly caused by the "greenhouse effect".

Gases that contribute include: Water vapor, CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Chlorofluorocarbons.


Climate Change

Climate change can put 20-30% of all species in risk by destroying their natural habitats and ecosystems

Impact in the Polar Regions

The melting of several ice sheets, increasing the global sea level rise.

Impact in the Oceans

The increase of the concentration of carbon dioxide, making the water more acidic and the increase of the temperature, killing 70-100% of coral reefs.

Impact in the Forests

Wildfires, which can destroy communities and release a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing high levels of extinction


Stop air and water pollution
Change to renewable energies
Improve our waste management
Use the 3 r’s circular economy
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